Our first early season open water team swim will be on Saturday, May 30th at 8:00am at Beaver Lake. We will be following the social distance guidelines when we meet and swim. Several teammates have already hit the lakes and if you are interested in joining them please check our team Facebook page.

I understand with cancelled and postponed races many of you may be discouraged and frustrated. I encourage you to stay positive and keep up with your training and workouts. It’s important to continue to keep structure and routine for both your physical and mental health. A great way to test your fitness and get in an awesome and fun workout is to sign up for an Ironman Virtual Race/Challenge at: https://www.ironmanvirtualclub.com/. Ironman offers weekly events and challenges as you compete against local and national athletes.

Congratulations to all that completed and participated in our Burpee Challenge!

The Team Workouts for May:

• Saturday, May 30th at 8:00AM: Team Open Water Swim at Beaver Lake

Check out the Team Calendar for more details.